
轉貼~ lucky 姐姐的信.....

My mom brought Lucky's dog food and went to see Lucky yesterday. Lucky was so happy to see my mom. He wanted to hug my mom and didnt want to come down.
Even my mom told him to sit down, he will moved his butt slowly towards my mom. My mom couldn't stop laughing. And when other employees called him to go there, he would only stay at my mom's side. But my mom's eyes still not feeling well so she told Lucky that he can't get too close to her. Now Lucky stays with my dad's employees upstairs. (My dad went to a business trip and probably will  be back next week.)

Lucky is happier now and eats more too. At night, Lucky stays upstairs himself, but he only barks like 1 minute and when we use the speakerphone to let him know that we are there, then he will stop and go to sleep. He is definitely doing much better with so many people around him. When is sleeping upstairs by himself at night, he knows he is safe too. Also, my parents didn't want to bring Lucky downstairs because where the guard lives is not as nice as upstairs. They want Lucky to have a cleaner place to run around and sleep where he wants to. My dad and my mom also told me maybe we should wait until Lucky is more stable and he knows that he won't be abandoned by us, then we will bring him home. There will still be times my mom can't be home(like when my mom needs to take my grandmother to the hospital and she also needs to go to the hospital too), and during this difficult time, we want to let him know he has people around him so he doesn't have to be afraid of anything. Also he meets more people that way, and this also helps him to do more socialization with other people(strangers). Moreover, there aren't  lot of crazy dogs that will run of the house when they take him out for walks , and Lucky can take his time slowly to be physically and mentally stronger so maybe when he meets dogs that run of the house again at where we live, he wont get too scared like last time. (i really hope they have a law in TW saying dogs have to be leashed in public in order to come out. lol)

When my mom's eyes are better and if everything is okay with my mom's eyes, my mom told me he will bring Lucky home on the days when she's not going anywhere far. Im finally relieved that Lucky is so much better now. I was worried to death. I kept on thinking if Lucky is happy or not at the company. I couldn't sleep well nor have any appetite. lol Even when i was in class, i thought about Lucky too. However, finally some good news. ^^ So please let Miss Liao knows that Lucky is better, and he is gaining weight too. My mom also asked the guard to be with Lucky until he finishes all the food in his bowl.


這是前幾天 lucky 姐姐寫給我的信 ~ 這幾天也天天和他 msn 過.

簡單的說, LUCKY 好多了.  

他的媽咪去看他的時候, lucky 開心的一直要媽咪抱她, 都不肯下來, 媽咪也好開心, lucky 看起來開心好多. 現在他跟公司的人一起住在樓上房間, 他有他自己的小房間. 那是她爸拔特地幫她準備的 "渡假小套房", 他現在幾乎都不會叫了, 最多叫一分鐘, 就會停住了. 在 msn 的時候, lucky 姐姐說, 只要他開始叫的時候, 他爸拔只要用公司的擴音機說: lucky 不要叫了. lucky 就會乖乖的安靜下來. 他的身邊永遠都會有人陪著她.

因為最近媽咪的眼睛感染, 不能接觸到狗狗的毛, 所以他的媽咪也最近沒辦法帶他回去. 等媽咪的眼睛好多時, 媽咪會帶他回去的. 現在這裡的叔叔, 都會帶她去跑步, 運動, 讓他發洩多餘的精力, 回來後, 他就可以去它的房間休息, 在他的被窩裡面滾. 我讓她媽咪帶回上次花弟媽咪給的" 神奇噴劑". 讓她媽咪噴在布上面, 他每天都可以在這些毛巾上面滾阿滾的. lucky 超愛.

lucky 現在住在公司也沒有外來的狗狗嚇著他, 她們會慢慢的開始讓她接觸其他的狗狗. 讓他 "擴大他的社交圈". 不要做個沒有朋友的小孩. 這樣太孤僻了.

現在的他也開始變胖了, 他的媽咪也交代了她們公司的守衛叔叔, 要看著她吃光所有的飯. 不能剩下, 除去了憂鬱和焦慮, lucky 慢慢的也胖起來了.

我也和朋友借了電項圈, 當初我送養給她們家的一隻種母米格魯媚妹也遇過這樣 '嚴重的分離焦慮症", 防疫所的人也來了, 說如果她們不改善狗狗的噪音問題, 她們會強制帶走, 送進收容所安樂吧. 也用過這個項圈. 後來米格魯媚妹, 剛開始 嚇到, 不敢叫. 兩天後, 他知道只要把電擊的地方移開, 移到脖子的側邊, 還有不要用到喉嚨, 用哭哭的方式, 他就不會被電擊了. 好聰明的小孩. 但是至少他不叫了, 哭哭的聲音也不至於擾鄰. 所以他留下了.

很多 "親人" 的狗狗, 依賴 "人" 的狗狗都會有這個問題.  我家的米格魯, 從小到大跟著我多年, 只要我進房間, 門關上, 他就會 "哭哭" 的找你, 洗澡你關上門, 他看不到你, 他也會哭哭的找你...... 我只要洗澡出來, 會看到啦啦/ 米格魯 2 隻趴在我的浴室門口. 一出門, 小米格魯媚妹一定要親一下, 告訴我他好想我. 好愛我....... 怎麼會有人捨得把米格魯丟掉呢?






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