薑黃是很多人都知道的一個 "中藥品". 或是算在草藥類. 他也是可以用於食物料理上面, 薑黃飯是很健康營養的食物, 薑黃也大量用於 "咖哩" 裡面..

薑黃這麼有名是因為他有大量的 "薑黃素".















薑黃是個很好的保養品, 但是我後來發現, 原來, 薑黃要配著 "黑胡椒" "天然油- 橄欖油/椰子油/魚油) 才能將他的功效在體內發揮. 要不然會被肝臟排出.

這一篇是一個狗友請我翻譯, 因為很忙, 我當時也沒時間管他. 我後來看了一下, 才發現是一個很重要的資訊, 應該要跟大家分享..

一堆的簡介我跳過, 我直接跳到重點.

(剪接於臉書 planet paws) ~ 適用於 腫瘤 + 關節炎


It is estimated that 5% of cancer is genetic and 95% is a result of lifestyle and environmental factors. Over 6 million (and growing) dogs die from cancer each year! More than 1 in 2 dogs and 1 in 3 cats are diagnosed with cancer.

A new turmeric study reveals that one of the world's most extensively resea⋯⋯
rched herbs has the ability to selectively target and destroy cancer stem cells, while having little to no toxicity on normal stem cells.

This means that, unlike chemotherapy which will destroy regular healthy cells, turmeric will only go after cancer cells in you and your pets!

The only problem is with using turmeric to smash cancer or to heal inflammation like arthritis is its low bioavailability when eaten on its own.

You see, approximately 5% of the spice turmeric is composed of the active compound curcumin and this is the stuff that gives turmeric its power. Then, to top it all off, turmeric root is poorly absorbed across the G.I. tract and is rapidly cleared from the blood.

If pets or people are given turmeric root, within an hour, there’s a little tiny bit that actually makes its way into their blood stream. The reason for this is because the liver is actively trying to get rid of it! So, while a ton of pet owners may be giving their pets turmeric, most are seeing little to no result.  當服用了薑黃, 只有一部分將會在一小時內進入血管, 因為服用後, 肝臟將會努力把薑黃趕出體內.  所以很多人覺得吃了也沒有甚麼用處.


There’s an easy-to-make recipe that will actually make turmeric root powder, and its power-punching curcumin, over 2000% more readily available to your pet’s body!

The solution? An old Ayurvedic recipe called Turmeric Paste (aka Golden Paste) that has been prepared in India for thousands of years!

“How is it prepared in India? With fat and black pepper. Amazing how they could figure that out without double blind trials. (Though maybe it just tastes good, and it’s merely coincidence?)” -Michael Greger, M.D

A source of fresh ground black pepper and a healthy fat can turn this solo herb, turmeric, into a super powerful rock band! (黑胡椒 + 健康的油脂將可以把薑黃變的威力強大)

According to research, about 5% of black pepper by weight is comprised of a compound called piperine, which enhances the bioavailability of Turmeric.

Australian Vet, Dr. Doug English, advises to add freshly ground peppercorns (piperine) to your mixture of turmeric root, piperine will increase intestinal absorption allowing time for the curcumin to be taken up into the blood stream.

“By taking just a quarter teaspoon’s worth of black pepper, you see curcumin (turmeric root) levels skyrocket. The same amount of curcumin consumed, but the bioavailability shoots up 2000%. Even just a little pinch of pepper—1/20th of a teaspoon—can significantly boost levels.” -Michael Greger, M.D

Not only can adding fresh ground pepper make turmeric more bioavailable but piperine in black pepper can trigger TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1) in the body. This triggering can reduce pain! (還可以 "止痛" )

Ok, so why the coconut oil? (作者偏愛用椰子油, 我個人也是)

According to research: “Another way to boost the absorption of curcumin is to consume it in the whole food, turmeric root (fresh or dried as a powder) because natural oils found in turmeric root and turmeric powder can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin seven to eight fold. When eaten with fat, curcumin can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system thereby in part bypassing the liver.”

You can use good clean organic fats like olive oil, fish oil or, my favorite, coconut oil!

For more on coconut oil -


First source the following ingredients-

- ½ cup of organic turmeric root powder  1/2杯 有機薑黃粉
- 1 cup of clean spring or filtered water (may need more) 1杯的過濾水
- 1 ½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (fresh is always best because of the piperine levels 1 1/2茶匙的黑胡椒--盡量用新鮮的.
- ¼ cup organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil (you can also use olive oil) 1/4 杯的有機椰子油, 也可以用橄欖油.

Here’s how easy it is: just mix the turmeric root powder with the 1 cup of water in a pan or pot, you may need to add more water if needed. Stir the mixture on medium/low heat and in about 7 to 10 minutes, it should form a thick paste. (If your paste looks runny, just add a bit more turmeric and heat it for another couple of minutes.) 混合薑黃粉和一杯的水在小鍋子裡, 中低溫熱約7-10分鐘. 會變成糊糊的膏狀. 如果還是水水的, 再加些薑黃粉進去, 在熱一下.

Once turned into a paste, add the fresh cracked pepper and coconut oil, and then stir it up! 成膏狀後, 加入黑楜椒粉和椰子油, 攪拌

Once cool, place the paste in a mason jar and store it in your fridge. The paste should last for about 2 weeks. 放涼後, 可以放入罐子裡冰起來. 


因為我自己的狗多, 我沒有時間這樣做, 但是原理是一樣的. 材料相同, 我可能會用不同的方是弄. 今天我是薑黃粉 + 黑胡椒粉+ 橄欖油 一起燉雞湯. 我有放了半顆高麗菜, 幾片的靈芝一起燉. 

因為現在是剛開始加入 "黑胡椒粉" 給狗狗吃, 味道比較辣, 所以我量沒有加很多, 先讓他們慢慢是硬薑黃配黑楜椒粉的味道, 以後再慢慢加量. 

跟雞肉一起燉是因為比較容易引誘他們願意吃薑黃黑胡椒粉. 我的朋友說他習慣是用羊肉, 味道更重, 更好壓味道.  



可塗抹外露的 腫瘤......



the pet parent turned to a famous turmeric paste that has been around for thousands of years. A teaspoon of organic turmeric powder combined with a teaspoon of raw unpasteurized honey and ¼ teaspoon of bromelain (which makes the turmeric more absorbable).

1/4 茶匙的鳳梨酵素 (應該可以在藥局買到, 聽說一顆是 4-5 元) 可以幫忙增加吸收力

1 茶匙的蜂蜜


混在一起, 塗抹...

這個飼主的狗狗開完刀後, 沒多久又長出來了. 這次主人用古早古早的配方試看看. 從 2/9 開始, 3/7 瘤消失了. 一個月的時間.

這兩個薑黃的抗腫瘤配方都是不傷身, 又便宜, 又簡單的. 應該蠻值得試試看..


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