汪汪喵喵館的聯絡方式 臉書: 劉逸雯 e-mail: ifiwen@yahoo.com.tw 認養專線: 0922-226-242/ 0980-720-348

昨天下午, 來來的爸拔打給我, 跟我說 " Honey 走了~"...... 我也沒說什麼. 因為看過他最後一次的網誌有說 Honey 已經改用 "高劑量" 的化療藥劑. 上次的 "低劑量" 的化療針, 只能讓他正常 4 天, 之後又更惡化. 惡化的速度之快, 這才讓我比較驚訝. 因為它是連皮膚也都開始外破了......

他上星期來的時候, 跟我們說,  honey 的狀況並不是那麼樂觀的讓人期待, 卻是讓人更擔心. 更不知道之後會有什麼變化.

Honey 沒有撐住, 也沒有捱過癌細胞的傷害. 走了. 雖然難過, 可是我覺得 ~至少 Honey 在被援救後, 他從路邊被繩子綁住的流浪種母黃金獵犬, 到後來這麼多人關心他的狀況, 最重要的是, 他走的時候, 他的心中有 "愛", 有 "家人", "有不捨爸拔的關心", 更有這麼多人在乎她跟病毒奮鬥的狀況.  我想她心裡應該是沒有 "絕望", 他應該也想過自己努力的 "撐住", "捱過去". 只是 當初他被商人利用的時候, 注射入太多的營養針. 太多奇奇怪怪的東西, 讓他能夠不停的生產. 他還是帶著爸拔給他的愛離開了.....

他今天在淡水火化了. 當時下著豪大雨, 我想上天也是無奈必須帶走他吧.....

也希望他當時走的時候, 沒有了痛楚, 只是靜靜的睡著的走了.......



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轉貼~ lucky 姐姐的信.....

My mom brought Lucky's dog food and went to see Lucky yesterday. Lucky was so happy to see my mom. He wanted to hug my mom and didnt want to come down.
Even my mom told him to sit down, he will moved his butt slowly towards my mom. My mom couldn't stop laughing. And when other employees called him to go there, he would only stay at my mom's side. But my mom's eyes still not feeling well so she told Lucky that he can't get too close to her. Now Lucky stays with my dad's employees upstairs. (My dad went to a business trip and probably will  be back next week.)

Lucky is happier now and eats more too. At night, Lucky stays upstairs himself, but he only barks like 1 minute and when we use the speakerphone to let him know that we are there, then he will stop and go to sleep. He is definitely doing much better with so many people around him. When is sleeping upstairs by himself at night, he knows he is safe too. Also, my parents didn't want to bring Lucky downstairs because where the guard lives is not as nice as upstairs. They want Lucky to have a cleaner place to run around and sleep where he wants to. My dad and my mom also told me maybe we should wait until Lucky is more stable and he knows that he won't be abandoned by us, then we will bring him home. There will still be times my mom can't be home(like when my mom needs to take my grandmother to the hospital and she also needs to go to the hospital too), and during this difficult time, we want to let him know he has people around him so he doesn't have to be afraid of anything. Also he meets more people that way, and this also helps him to do more socialization with other people(strangers). Moreover, there aren't  lot of crazy dogs that will run of the house when they take him out for walks , and Lucky can take his time slowly to be physically and mentally stronger so maybe when he meets dogs that run of the house again at where we live, he wont get too scared like last time. (i really hope they have a law in TW saying dogs have to be leashed in public in order to come out. lol)

When my mom's eyes are better and if everything is okay with my mom's eyes, my mom told me he will bring Lucky home on the days when she's not going anywhere far. Im finally relieved that Lucky is so much better now. I was worried to death. I kept on thinking if Lucky is happy or not at the company. I couldn't sleep well nor have any appetite. lol Even when i was in class, i thought about Lucky too. However, finally some good news. ^^ So please let Miss Liao knows that Lucky is better, and he is gaining weight too. My mom also asked the guard to be with Lucky until he finishes all the food in his bowl.


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大寶 ~ 拉拉








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在這裡謝謝大家的幫忙, 寶寶找到了~~~~~~ 回來了..



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鹿 ~ ~ 太魯 ~ ~


太魯是曾在街頭流浪的小孩, 一個機緣他的爸拔救了他 




如果您是願意愛他的家人,請與我聯絡 0982352906 先生


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今天早上 10:30 醫生來打了 第二針心絲蟲針 ~

和昨天一樣, 咖啡拉拉最難搞. 一樣都是三人六腿 5 手的壓緊他, eddy 用它的身體扣緊他. 還好今天沒有弄彎針頭. 只有弄得三個人滿頭汗.

也跟昨天一樣, 打過針後, 最難過的是米貝貝. 他打完後, 身體不停的抖. 昨晚上還發燒. 今天我超怕他挨不住, 他體型最小, 看樣子也是最嚴重的. 咖啡狀況比她好點. 但是也好不到哪去. 波妞和米寶寶幾乎正常. 就棒的就是米寶寶. 她媽咪知道他即將要醫療心絲蟲, 天天帶她去運動, 讓她心臟更強一點. 這次他打針, 幾乎沒有出現難過的症狀.

米寶與米貝 + 咖啡的所有醫療都結束了. 米寶寶明天會由媽咪帶回去. 她媽咪天天打電話來問他的狀況..寶貝的不得了....... 真的是個好媽咪, 是米寶寶的天使認養人, 天使媽咪.

米貝貝還再等會愛他一輩子的媽咪, 能疼他一輩子的天使媽咪. 而咖啡也是一樣, 等著他最終的家. 咖啡也結了紮了. 也醫好了他的心絲蟲了.

她們等著她們的緣分到來 ~

咖啡_名冊.jpg IMG_0220.JPG


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今天來了一隻非常漂亮的白拉拉弟弟, 我自己也不得不承認, 他真的超漂亮的, 超級帥氣的男生.

他已經結紮 + 植入晶片 + 非常健康, 體型較大, 是純種的美式拉拉. 約 2-3 歲. 很年輕. 很乖. 會乖乖的坐車.......

他不會暴衝, 也會乖乖的站在你的腳邊陪你一起等. 他愛乾淨, 不會亂大小便, 或是抬腳. 希望他跟他的名字一樣, 是個 "大寶"..




他的帥氣, 真的要你自己來看看喔 ~~~


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