轉 po lucky 姐姐的信 ~
I just called my mom and asked about Lucky. Unfortunately, it was a bad news
again. Lucky has been barking like crazy even with all the snacks and chewing bones around him. (even the toys too. I think we gave up on the toys.) My mom has to run back and forth 10 times a day now in order to calm him down. I think Lucky got scared by the dog pretty badly. My Mom also gave him 10 capules of the chinese medicine now(back to where it was.) I hope soon he will know there's nothing to be afraid of cuz he got my mom to take care of him. I think if the barking contiunes, I will tell my mom to bring Lucky to see the doctor(曬頧■) and see if she can calm him down. Besides all the barking, Lucky is a very good boy and also knows how to listen to my mom's order like sit, slow down, and don't move. Now when he is coming downstair for his daily walk, he slows down too. I think maybe he needs time to get used to of everything again. Hope soon he will be fine.
Lucky 的姐姐今天打電話給他的媽咪了, 很不幸的, 他現在又開始狂吠了. 就算點心和骨頭, 玩具對他來說都沒有用. 他的媽咪一天要上下來會數 10 次去安撫他. 他應該是真的被嚇的很嚴重吧. 現在她又要開始 一餐吃 10 顆中藥了, 又要重新開始了. 希望他能早點走出這個惡夢. 如果他還繼續這麼樣的一直叫, 她們要帶她去看醫生了. 看醫生能不能幫忙他了. 除了他的吠聲之外, lucky 真的是依個好棒好棒的小男生, 他現在會聽媽咪的話, 坐下, 慢慢來, 不要動. 現在他下樓梯也都會慢慢來了. 他也許需要更多時間去忘記吧.......
大家有什麼好的建議可以幫幫我們被驚嚇到的 Lucky?
帶去廟裡 " 收驚"? 跟小朋友一樣, 帶她的項圈去收驚?