10 點的時候, 媽咪和姐姐來了......
Lucky 不管是誰來看他, 她都很興奮. 還是一樣的撲上去. 當然她媽咪和姐姐也很開心的帶她回家了.......
(回家後 的故事~~) 這是他姐姐的傳給我的信 ~
Lucky has been barking the whole afternoon after we put him into the cage. But the good news is he finally stopped an hour ago and has been behaved really well. Now he is listening to the radio in his cage upstairs. I'm really happy that he likes our house. He hasn't been eating much but I think he'll have a better appetite tomorrow. I really want to bring Lucky back inside the house and play with him but I know I can't right now.
早上她們帶走後, 可能跟她們玩了一下. 後來把它放入籠內, 她叫了整個下午. 當我收到她的簡訊是約 8 點多. 意思是她叫到晚上 7 點. 她們也幫她開了收音機. 讓他不會覺得孤獨. 她早上吃的不多, 也許明天會好一點. 她的姐姐也希望他能把她帶進來. 但是現在是訓練期, 但是他姐姐也知道現在不能心軟. 一定要和他拼下去. 不能因為它的吼叫, 而心軟. 只要 Lucky 熬過這段期間, 她就會好的...
Lucky finally ate something tonight and finished all the food I gave it to him. He has been really sweet and everyone in our family loves him.(especially his cute big head) After feeding him, I put him back to the cage and he started barking again after I came down. After close to half an hour,he stopped. Now he is sleeping in his cage now. I did used the mask cuz my friend who had a beagle told me its the most efficient way to teach him. It worked well and I know lucky hate the mask a lot. It's hard to see him with the mask on but I know after a few days he won't need the mask anymore. Don't worry, lucky is doing really well and we know he needs time to get used to everything here. Also we bought him a bigger cage cuz the old one was too small for him and he has his own fan too. I have been climbing up and down the whole day today to see if lucky is ok.
晚上 lucky 吃光了所有的東西. 米格魯是耐不了食物的誘惑的. 她們的家人都很喜歡她. 尤其他的大頭. 她們在他吃完飯後, 又把它放回籠內. lucky 又開始叫了. 還好這次他只叫了半小時. 她也練習睡在她的地方了. 她們也用了嘴套了. 因為他聽說, 嘴套對米格魯來說, 很有用. 果然有用. 他門也相信, 幾天後, lucky 可以不再需要用到嘴套了. Lucky 目前狀況很好. 她們也了解 lucky 需要一些時間去適應她們的新家, 她們也幫他買了一個新籠子. 讓它可以比較舒適的在裡面. 她們也有自己的電扇, 讓他不會過熱. 她姐姐整天上上下下的來回跑, 確定 lucky 沒事.......
看樣子, Lucky 應該很快就可以適應她的新家, 只要她們家硬撐下去, lucky 會好的 ~~
有新消息, 我會和大家說的 ~~
當天晚上, lucky 的舊主人, 也帶走了我們的一隻小朋友回去. 我想這隻 "小很多" 的狗狗, 讓他的阿公可以好牽一些...... 我也相信她們會好好對待這隻小雪弟的. 她的爸爸真的很愛狗狗. 看的出來她們人很好.