這是米格魯 Lucky 的第二天 ~~ (應該是早上寫的.......)
Lucky didn't bark at all last night. He has been behaved really well. He still doesn't like to be alone in his cage. He still barks after we leave him alone but the barking time is getting shorter and shorter. We are really happy that lucky is getting used to be alone in his cage. When I put him out of the cage,he always gives me a hug first and I have to carry him down to the fourth floor to let him pee and poo. He's scared of climbing down the stair because our stairs to the top floor is a bit hard to comb up and down. I still need to train him and let him know it's safe. So far everything is going really well and lucky also starts eating more and more. Lucky is a very smart boy and very sweet too. I stopped using the mask as well and lucky also knows that he can't bark if we are not there. I'm going to take him out for a walk this afternoon. I will write u again tonight. I will also send u some pictures of lucky when I have my computer fixed. To all th people who know Lucky: Thanks to everyone who cares about Lucky. Lucky says hi to all of u.
lucky 昨天晚上都沒有吠. 超乖的. 她目前還是不喜歡一個人在籠子裏面, 只要他一進籠, 她都要吠一陣子. 但是時間越來越短了. 她有進步了. 只要他一出籠, 她都要先抱抱姐姐. 她不太敢下樓悌. 姐姐都要把她抱下來上廁所. 她們獻在還在教他上下樓悌. 到目前為止, lucky 都一直在進步中, 食量也變好了. 她也懂得不能亂叫, 所以她們也沒有綁他的嘴了. 姐姐今天下午會帶她出去走走... 之後他會寄一些 lucky 的照片給我們. lucky 的姐姐也和所有關心lucky 的人說謝謝. 她也幫 lucky 和大家説 "嗨 "
看樣子, 我們的 lucky 真的是進步神速. 本來我還想它需要一個月的時間去適應他的家庭. 沒想到他進步的這麼快. 才兩天, 她知道不能亂叫了. 也收斂了他的吼聲.
lucky 的心病, 也只有這樣好的家庭, 有耐心的家庭, 肯付出愛的媽咪和姐姐來幫他一起度過.
我想我們應該感激他姐姐的耐心....... 也謝謝她們願意幫 lucky 走出他的心病.。。。。。
相較之下, 今天有兩組人來問米貝貝. 一組人今天一大早就來看米貝貝了. 本來看到可愛的米貝貝, 她想要馬上帶回家, 但是他聽到我們的米貝貝有心絲蟲, 還沒醫療(因為全台灣都沒有藥了, 要等到10月份). 她們馬上說~ 那會死掉耶. 那我要再想想看了. 連照像都不想要了.
下午, 又有一組人打來, 她聽到米貝貝有心絲蟲, 她說那它可以摸嗎?需要長期照顧嗎?需要很麻煩嗎?
我想米貝貝的緣分還沒到吧 ~~ 再等等看了......