
還記得當初 " 超級嚴重分離焦慮症" 的 lucky 嗎?  現在很好, 雖然是住在工廠, 因為 lucky 媽媽必須忙於照顧年老的阿嬤. 幾乎整天都不在家裡, 所以目前 lucky 住在工廠的一個 "私人" 房間裡面. 這是爸拔當初的舊辦公室. 房間內, 他有一個自己的小籠子當作他的小房間睡覺. 過年的時候, 媽咪也幫他煮了一根"豬大骨" 當他的年夜大餐. 也有拿到紅包喔.

過完年, 媽咪也會帶 lucky 去醫院做個體檢. 看看他之前的艾莉西體, 焦蟲的有沒有徹底根治. 他也和朋友一起捐了一些的錢, 要給啦啦~ nina 做犬瘟醫療的費用. 這是他的一點心意. 也希望 nina 能早點好起來, 快點有個家.....

lucky 家的一個朋友, 也想要認養一隻狗狗. 他們看到 這個可愛的米格魯 lucky, 又乖巧, 他們也許也會認養一隻米格魯回家喔. .... (我也希望阿. 米格魯並沒有大家傳言的這樣可怕, 瘋狂, 過動, 破壞. 他們跟所有的狗狗一樣, 童年的時候, 有過人的活動力, 活潑, 但是過了三歲後, 一樣的乖巧) 

I heard from my parents that Lucky is doing really well now. I'm really happy for him. Now he has his own private room (my dad's old office) to get some exercises and run around. When he feels tired, he will go into his favorite cage to rest. My mom also gave him a big pork bone for his new year gift and also gave him an red envelope as well. After new year, my mom is going to bring Lucky to the hospital to do some check ups because he had ehrlichiosis before(艾莉希體) so just want to make sure that he is OK. I think i will tell my mom just do the 4 in 1 blood testing to check everything. I will let you know the result. Oh yeah, do you guys accept donations through Paypal? The money can be transferred to the bank but will take 3-5 days. If you guys do, I want to make some donations to Nina for her medical treatment. I have been working for a part time job since last year because I was thinking to save up the money to bring Lucky to China. But now, I'm not in the rush anymore and I think Lucky will be happy to see Nina get better and have a home. :) (I believe Lucky also had rabies before right?)

My mom's friend's daughter is also interested in adopting a dog. She has a dog at home and I think she wants to adopt another dog to keep her company. My mom gave her your numbers and told her to book an appointment with you guys and take a look of the dogs. Not sure which dogs she's looking for, but I think she's wants to adopt a beagle as well after she saw Lucky. She will probably get in touch with you guys for the details.

lucky's sis:

可可,我已經把我國外的朋友要捐給Nina的醫療費用匯給你了.你有收到也可以留言在這邊. ^^







lucky at the factory-1.JPG lucky at the factory -2.JPG

lucky at the factory -4.JPG 


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