I tried to leash Lucky on the fourth floor today but he didn't like it. He barked immediately after we are out of his sight. And I know how he opened the door. He got a strong feet and a big brain. Now he can open both the screen window and the door inside.(I have to say the door inside is pretty heavy, and I'm really amazed that he can even open the door inside. So n.ow, my mom and I will be locking the  inside so he cant come in to the house.

I showered Lucky this afternoon, and I think he likes taking shower. He lifted up his legs for me when I touch his feet. Also he stays still and didn't run away. It's really fuunny when he lifted up his legs. I couldn't stop laughing.

I got the package. Thank you very much.

My flight is tomorrow morning and I think I will cry for sure when I have to say goodbye to him. I know I will be missing him lots.(both his good and bad sides). 

姐姐她們也試著把 lucky 鏈起來, 讓他無法繼續破壞, 但是只要她們一走開, 她又繼續叫了. 她們也知道 lucky 怎麼開門的了. 她現在會開紗窗 + 裡面的大門. 用它的腳和頭去頂開的. 現在她們必須要鎖上裡面的門了.

下午我幫牠洗澡, lucky 也乖乖的讓我幫牠洗澡. 不會亂動. 她的樣子好可愛......

包裹她們也收到了, 姐姐明天也要出國回加拿大了. 他一定會很想很想 lucky 的.


一個問題請問大家 ~~

如果 Lucky 一邊服用中藥, 加上她們訓練, 還是沒辦法制止 lucky 的毫無停止的吠聲. 但是她們還是非常非常的疼愛 lucky. 喜歡 lucky. 可是他的吠聲已經到了擾鄰, 天天被警察來按電鈴.......  

我該怎麼辦?  這是最壞最懷的情況. 我絕不希望這會發生. 但是我必須先把問題做最壞的打算. 該怎麼辦?





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