
從這週末是 Lucky 的原主人作後續的追蹤. 我想既然小黑會打電話跟認養人保持聯絡, 我就不再打了. 免得人家也會接電話接到煩.

大頭媽咪接到玩具後, 會直接寄去給 Lucky的家人, 我也會請廖小黑跟她們說"抗優玩具" 的用法. 今天晚上, 花地的娘回來了, 明天他會帶我門訂的 "鎮定" 保健食品給我們, 也會把部分寄給 Lucky 的家人, 加上抗憂的 "神奇頸圈", 會散發母狗氣味的項圈. 可以幫助 Lucky 鎮定. 我真的很想知道到底是怎樣的項圈.

幫助 lucky 和 lucky 的家人一起 "對抗" 嚴重的 "分離焦慮症", 好像變成一場 "戰爭". 大家都想辦法怎麼樣子去幫助 lucky 走出心病, 幫忙他的家人一起 "打戰", 而還有這麼多的 "盟友" 幫忙接濟補品. 我想我門一定會打贏的.....

這是今天我信箱中的信~ Lucky 的姐姐寫來的......


我真的要謝謝大家那麼關心Lucky也提供很多的辦法給我做參考.有些我們能試的也試過.譬如我離開之前就餵零食給他他會先咬著,確定我一直在那他才吃, 我一離開他的視線,
但是目前的關龍和綁住他都是暫時的.我們其實也想把他帶進來家裡,可是怕的是如果一開就這麼做的話,那他如果一沒有看到我們,就會不停的叫或者不安的跑來跑去+破壞東西.但是我覺得Lucky有比之前剛來的好很多,至少沒有綁住他或者關住他的話,在短時間內,他都不會亂叫. 所以媽媽和我是想說要讓他知道我們不在家的時候,他必須要乖乖一個人,然後看情況慢慢的把它在家裡的時間慢慢增加. 如果他都能穩定的話,我們如果在家裡的話,一定不會讓他孤孤單單的在外面 .

I called my mom asked about Lucky yesterday, and she told me Lucky is getting smarter and smarter. Now when mom goes up and get Lucky's meal, she has to leash him because Lucky can open the door in 5 seconds now. I know he really wants to come in and be with us, but he is too smart and knows how to get his way out. If he knows he can come in and be with us, he will use that against us and will keep on barking even if he's unleashed at the balcony on the 4th floor. I think we have to do this slowly and let him know what he can and cant do.

我今天也大電話給我的媽咪, 問 lucky 的狀況. 他說 Lucky 越來越聰明了, 現在只要媽咪上去給 lucky 吃飯, 都要先綁住她, 因為 Lucky 可以在 5 秒鐘內, 把門打開. 她們其實也知道, Lucky 只是想進來裡面和她們一起, 但是 lucky 太聰明了, 他如果知道他現在可以進來了, 他會利用 "叫聲" 來得到它想要的. 她們希望能慢慢的讓 lucky 了解 ~ 家規.

I also need to thank all of you for your caring and gifts that trying to make Lucky better. I really appreciate your time and effort. I still have no doubt that Lucky will become a cute and handsome beagle in the future. All we need is just time and same for Lucky too. I also have to thank you, Iwen. You also spent a lot of time and effort trying to help Lucky. I really appreciated all the things you have done.

我也謝謝大家對 lucky 的關心和所有能讓她好一些的禮物. 我相信 lucky 一定會好的, 他依定會變成一個又帥又可愛的米格魯的. 現在只能用時間去讓他了解, 也希望 時間也能讓 lucky 了解.  

I have attached a few pictures in this email. I  still have some other Lucky's Pictures, and I will send them to you when I see you on MSN.  I start to miss Lucky. I miss his innocent big eyes(like the cat in the movie Shrek), and his floppy ears. I know you will be visiting Lucky soon. Please say hi to Lucky for me when you see him. Please let him know that his sister loves and misses him very much.

我附上兩張 lucky 的照片, 我還有一些 lucky 的照片, 我之後將會傳給你. 我也開始想念 lucky 了. 我想念他那雙天真無邪的雙眼. 還有他那對大耳朵.

我和小黑現在等 lucky 的媽咪有時間, 我門也會做個家訪, 看看 lucky 有沒有乖乖的做個好寶寶...

lucky 線在還是繼續持續服藥中, 醫生也說過, 剛開始的兩星期要給他雙倍的分量, 等他這段時間比較適應後, 才慢慢的減量.. 有一天, 我一定會很開心的知道 lucky 病好了, 他是個正常的乖寶寶了..

Lucky 變的好漂亮不是嗎? 該白的地方, 是白的. 該是花的地方, 是亮亮的花色..... 這就是米格魯最迷人的地方. 漂亮的配色..

lucky 在新家-1.jpg 

lucky 在新家-2.jpg 


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