
每天都很急的要看lucky 姐姐寄來的信, 但是每次開信前, 跟廖小黑一樣, 要先做好心理準備. 今天的他又怎樣了 ...

lucky 的第四晚 + 第五天 ~

Lucky has been behaving well again. He didn't bark after we put him on the fourth floor.(without the cage) I tried to put him in the cage on the fourth floor, but he still barks when we are not there. I guess he just doesn't like the cage. I have to try to train him to stay in the cage but I think that will take some time to do it. I will be appreciated if you can send me some tips on how to train a dog to like a cage. (I will also do some research) I bought a ball for him to play but he didn't like it. Tried to play with him for a few times now, but after 30 seconds, he just looked at me and not the ball. I thought all the dogs like to play with balls but guess not Lucky. (I think Lucky feels happy as long as he sees someone there.) I'm thinking of buying a doll that looks like a fake person for him. (I know that's due to his insecurities.)

He is still taking the Chinese medicine, 10 capsules a day. I think the Chinese medicines is working really well. Yesterday he barked immediately after we were out of his sight, but this morning he didn't bark at all.  I'm actually outside now and haven't been home from 10am till now.(I want to do some tests to see if Lucky can behave well at home for not seeing us that long)  Hope Lucky is doing well at home. I will let you know what happened to Lucky when I write to you tonight. Everything is going really well so far and I think Lucky starts to know that this is his house and we won't just leave him like that.

昨晚和今天白天的 lucky 表現的很好, 她在四樓的時候, 都沒有什麼叫. 但是當他被關龍的時候, 又叫了. 應該是 lucky 不喜歡在籠內吧. 她們現在想要訓練他進籠, 待在籠內. 先限定他的活動範圍.  (如果誰有好的作法, 可以讓狗狗喜歡她自己的臥房, 請留言給我們喔. 這一點我比較不厲害, 因為我家的剛開始是用房間當作一個籠子, 我是關房間. 限定他的活動範圍. )

她姐姐也買了一個球給他, 要讓她玩, 可以讓他分心, 但是 30 秒後, lucky 就看著姐姐, 不想看球. (我想 lucky 是說, 球球又不好玩, 幹麻要我玩這個, 我喜歡人, 不喜歡球). 她姐姐想, 是不是該買的人像, 這樣它比較有安全感?

她現在還是繼續吃藥, 一天 10 顆. 中藥目前的效果真的不錯, (如果你家也有這個問題, 你也可以試試看, 但是不便宜喔, 30 顆 300 元).. 她昨天看不到人的時候, 還是有叫, 但是今天就沒有了. lucky 應該是慢慢的習慣中吧...... 現在她們慢慢的要讓 lucky 習慣沒有人在家的情況, 可不可以還是一樣的乖. 目前狀況還好....

以上是早上的信 ~~



Got a bad news for the result. Lucky did a mess on the fourth floor. Everything was on the floor when we were back and he was lying in the middle of the mess. And yes, I punished him hard for that but I think he didn't bark when we were away. I didn't get any complain from my neighbours. After cleaning up the mess, I went down for dinner. I was thinking to take him out for a walk after dinner. After dinner I walked out of the dining room towards stairs, I saw Lucky standing at the stairs. Then the next thing we found out that he pee and poo in my parent's room and also jumped on the bed. Lucky is really smart. He didn't come to find us right away, instead, he did everything upstairs first so we wouldn't find out. I don't know if I should be happy about Lucky's inteligence or not. Now I still don't know how he opened the screen door on the fourth floor. I guess now I have to close the door inside as well. I think Lucky is still getting used to everything here, hope he has learned his lesson today.
I'm going to shower lucky tomorrow cuz I'm going back to Canada on thursday. My mom will take care of Lucky from now on. I think I will be really worried after I go back too but I need to have faith in him that he will be fine after some time. I will try to call my mom everyday and let u know about Lucky's progress.
About the Chinese medicine package, I will receive it tomorrow cuz we weren't home this afternoon. Thank you and all the people who care about Lucky. I think Lucky will be really happy if he knows there are so many people who love him. Good night!

晚上 lucky 把她們的四樓毀了. 所有的東西都在地上. Lucky 就躺在一片凌亂之間 (米格魯的彈跳力很強, 我家的在 5 個多月大的時候, 可以跳上櫃子上面把一大罐的魚飼料打下來吃光, 後來一星期的大便都是紅色, 因為飼料是紅色的). 當然她們也處罰了他. 讓他知道他的錯. 她這段時間應該是沒有叫, 因為沒有鄰居來抗議 (我想它是正在破壞中, 沒有時間去教), 姐姐把家裡整理好後, 下去吃飯, 想要飯後才出去走走, 沒想到, lucky 竟然跑到她媽咪的房間去大便和尿尿. 她不懂 lucky 怎麼會開門的, 現在她們要關另一扇門了.

明天姐姐要幫牠洗澡了, 從星期四起, 是媽咪開始要照顧 lucky 了, 姐姐要回加拿大讀書了. 她也很擔心, 但是他還是對 lucky 有信心, 她知道 lucky 會好的 . 她會試著天天打給她媽咪, 再和我們說 lucky 的狀況, 讓我們知道他的進步.

中藥是到了,  但是下午她們出去, 沒有拿到, 明天他才會收到. 她的姐姐謝謝所有關心 lucky 焦慮症問題的朋友, 她想 lucky 一定會很開心有這麼多愛她的朋友.


lucky 去了 5 天了, 每天我和廖小黑都提心吊膽, 不知道他今天又怎樣了. 兩人電話不斷, 真的是如坐針氈.  但是看的出來, 在這 5 天, lucky 是有進步, 慢慢的, 我相信, lucky 可以減量了.

我期待有一天, 她們會說, lucky 沒有在吃藥了. 她很乖, 很棒, 也是個好聰明的小男生......



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