
這是今天收到的家書~~ 不太好的消息......... 我心又涼了一下......


I have a bad news for you though. I called my mom tonight and ask about Lucky , and my mom told me that Lucky have been barking constantly after he got
scared by the dog that ran out of the house. My mom has tried to calm him down, but he still keeps on barking after we left him alone for 5~10 minutes. I told my
mom to add 1 more capsule of the Chinese medicine in the morning and see how it goes. I hope he will feels better after the medicine. If not, do you still have
the collar that  花地媽咪 brought back from U.S.? I want to let Lucky to try it and see if it will calm him down if the medicine is not working. My mom didn't have time
to talk to me much because my brother is going back to 當兵 today. I will  probably be very busy with my school this week so can you please contact my mom and see if Lucky is better?


Lucky 這兩天又開始狂吠了, 因為前幾天他被那隻 "不綁繩就衝出來咬狗的狗狗" 嚇到, 自從那天起, 只要他的媽咪沒有陪在她身邊, 他就會開始狂吠...... (可能很害怕, 要媽咪保護, 不要媽咪走開)

lucky 的姐姐也請她媽咪多給他一顆中藥, 看能不能讓他比較緩和, 不要這麼的激動. 因為媽咪今天很忙, 哥哥要收假了, 要回去當兵了.


我看到信後, 也請廖小黑打電話給 lucky 的媽咪, 看我們能幫她什麼, 晚上他姐姐也上線問我這件事, 我是覺得過兩天會好一些, 因為我家的米格魯因為又呆, 又天真, 看到馬爾濟斯很開心的衝過去, 被兩隻小馬爾咬了屁股. 嚇的他狂奔, 做了好幾天的惡夢, 夢裡吹號角~很可怕的大聲. 我也半夜起來抱她, 讓他不怕..... 我自己都快吹號角了. 每天晚上, 我都快累死了.

過幾天, 他也慢慢忘了這件事, 我跟 lucky 的姐姐說, "食物"是對米格魯和拉拉最好的解藥. 我當初為了要她們分心, 都會去煮豬大骨給她們啃, 啃好久, 啃久了也忘了要"怕"的事了. 也忘了"吠"的事情了.....

過兩天看小黑怎麼說了. 我在上傳.....


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